The Border Patrol's Border Search, Trauma, and Rescue (BORSTAR) Unit also will be on standby as summer temperatures reach hazardous levels. To help curtail such activity, San Diego Sector is having more agents patrol the area to quickly render aid to those in need and to further deter criminal organizations from using this route,” said San Diego Sector Chief Patrol Agent Aaron M. Smugglers working for these organizations often use the remote Otay Mountain Wilderness to avoid being apprehended. “Transnational criminal organizations are notorious for putting migrants in dangerous situations for monetary gain. San Diego Sector has ramped up patrols in the

In an effort to save lives, the Border Patrol's should know, not only is it a crime, it often results in serious injury or death during the hot summer months. Border Patrol is increasing its Otay Mountain patrols to deter migrants attempting to enter the U.S. Neither woman suffered serious injuries, according to police.SAN DIEGO - San Diego Sector U.S. The woman said she had known the man’s wife for a few years: “She’s an awesome woman, I don’t know what she’s doing with a monster like that.” And people that are doing it themselves and blaming innocent people for it.” “I’m fine, it’s just ridiculous, all the stealing that’s going on. “I’m going to move somewhere else,” she said. She said the man used a water bottle full of gasoline to douse her, then held a lighter up to her, threatening her life. The victim said her alleged attacker was the husband of a friend.

The victim was washed off by paramedics behind the cover of a tarp and towels. Officers were still searching for the man Sunday evening. The man pulled out a machete and threatened the women before running off, police said. The man is accused of pouring gasoline on the woman and trying to light her on fire before another woman stepped in and used a golf club to keep the man back. The attack happened in broad daylight when a man confronted a homeless woman, accusing her of stealing watches, police said. SAN DIEGO - A homeless woman used a golf club to fight off a man who doused her friend in gasoline, tried to light her on fire and then pulled out a machete in Mid-City Sunday, according to police. Police interview two women after a man allegedly doused one of them with gasoline and threatened to light her on fire. Please look at the time stamp on the story to see when it was last updated. This is an archived article and the information in the article may be outdated.